Version 0.2 is a bare-bones, nearly plain-vanilla Mac program
which converts ulaw encoded audio files in the Sun standard
format to Mac files of 'sfil' type with creator 'movr'. For each
audio file selected an 'snd ' resource is added to the output file.
The snd is an 11 kHz translation of the original 8 kHz Sun sound.
Under system 7 the files can be played by double-clicking but only
the first snd in the file is played this way. The file can be copied
into the System file where individual snds become visible. Likewise ResEdit will reveal individual snds. (Do one file at a time if you want single snd files directly.)
There are no menus, alerts or help windows. There is a console
window that shows some messages about the conversions. The
program ends ungracefully if problems are encountered.
Each time the program is run you are presented with a standard
file opening dialog repeatedly until Cancel is selected. Currently a
maximum of 20 audio files can be added to the list. A standard file
save dialog then lets you select a single file to contain all snds
for the files in the list. The program assigns a "ulaw" type to the
input files during the conversion. Thereafter, double-clicking on these will start the program in a play mode without conversion to snd resource files. This operation is faster but the sound quality is worse.
This is my first attempt at writing a program with a Mac user interface. "What user-interface?", you ask. Because of this version's short-comings in this respect, I don't have the nerve to ask for a shareware fee but at least send me comments and suggestions for improvements.
Send comments to
Of course if you really, really like it, I will accept donations to be forwarded to the American Cancer Society in memory of a co-worker of mine who died last week of cancer. (I might even be stimulated to work harder on the next version):